My Presentations

My Collections updated 19/08/2018

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Understanding Religion in the Simplest Manner

The goal of most religions is self realization because it is the soul  which has been lost for so long and has to be discovered. It is the technique for  the same which differs from one religion to other.

What exactly is self realisation ?  Simply speaking it is that  state of the self in which one can stay 24x7 once it has been realised. Because if one is experiencing happiness and bliss then why would one want to come out of it ? This is precisely what Jain  Tirthankaras experienced. However at lower levels, process starts by experiencing self as different from all others.

First of all, self cannot be experienced through anger, deceit, greed or pride  etc. One can attempt being angry as much or as strongly as he wishes , he will find that it takes him away from his own self as far as possible but nowhere near the self. This is so because these emotions are non self , dependent on others , not belonging to own nature. So one has to  disown  them altogether to realize himself.

Practices of fasting, praying  or  pilgrimages cannot help in experiencing the soul since  each of these are foreign to the nature of soul. In reality they are activities of the body. The emotions experienced during these acts  will also fall within the bounds of pride , greed etc (although to a lesser degree)which truly keep him away from realizing the self.

Knowledge of the others also does not enable  experiencing the soul. Because  the moment that one is knowing any other object, he is not knowing the self. Therefore one can keep on knowing as many things as he wishes , he would still not know the self.

The soul is experienced by self by immersing in self. This is the only technique by which self can be realized  and known. One has to disown all other emotions and concentrate on knowing the self as the object of contemplation. It has been described as Dhyan , yoga by different religions. All claim to be successful also. So one has to decide which one is most efficient probably by the result one can achieve. After all the self realization should lead to eternal happiness and bliss. If one claims to achieve the same then they are welcome  to it.
In Jainism the entire scriptures are directly or indirectly leading to the technique of self realization. Self cannot be experienced without understanding the form and greatness of self. Definitely one cannot experience happiness if one’s object of contemplation is a sinner or a material object. Surely it leads to perturbation. Therefore Jainism firstly teaches the true nature of  the soul being the same as that of the omniscient  who has described it for the benefit of others. When one accepts his own nature being as magnificent as that of the god and tries to establish his oneness with the same then alone he can experience unwavering peace and tranquility within the self. This is something which is distinctly lacking in other religions. No one has described the process of purification of soul in the spiritual way , as well as classical mathematical manner as done by Jainism. Only by knowing the true nature of self , at the same time excluding the nature of others can one truly contemplate upon the self. While Samaysar describes the spiritual purity of the soul, Dhavla describes the journey of the soul when he climbs the ladder of spiritual growth identifying the milestones reached on the way and left behind. This is the only manner all those who have attained Moksha have travelled , and there is no other method, nor is there a shortcut. Although it is quite possible that one may traverse those steps in shortest time while others may take thousands of years.
Moksha is the unification of soul with its own nature of pure belief, pure knowledge with utmost stability.
Then there is nothing further left to achieve.

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