My Presentations

My Collections updated 19/08/2018

Friday, March 17, 2017

Two stories from Prathamanuyoga – II

Prathamanuyoga stories in Jainism always have a moral of the story by which one could identify the goal of life , or a role model to follow in a specific uncertainty. We will never find a situation where at some place the violence or grievous injury to others is accepted or praised , and in some other place it is criticized or shunned. The fundamental principles are never refuted. In fact even if violence is described, the result of the same is generally borne in some future birth.  Thus Prathamanuyoga provides several tips on life style  as part of the story.

                                                                Story I – The last message of  Sita

The first story is not a story, it is more a description of an incident from Padma Purana. But it is very touching and educational. Lord Ram had come back to Ayodhya after winning over Ravana. After some time a group of people complain to him that people are losing moral values. Since Ram had accepted Sita after staying in Ravan’s place, the people were indulging in sins and giving Ram’s example as an excuse. Listening to this Ram decided to banish Sita and directed his army chief Kritank Vakra to take Sita to forest with an excuse of fulfilling her desire of pilgrimage and then leave her there.

Kritank Vakra with heavy heart was forced to fulfill the orders of Ram. He took her in the chariot for a pilgrimage to visit Jain temples and finally arrived in a dense forest. Then time had come to leave an unsuspecting  Sita. Remember she was pregnant at that time. It was difficult for Krikant Vakra as a warrior to follow his masters’ wishes in such a cruel manner. He started crying and tears came out. Sita was surprised  to see the tears of this great warrior. She asked him to tell the reason particularly when she was so happy to fulfill her wishes of completing a pilgrimage prior to child birth.
Kritank Vakra told the truth that Ram has been carried away by the criticism of the public of accepting Sita back and has decided to leave Sita in the forest to her own fate and he has been  directed to do the same. Although Lakshaman tried arguing with Ram but to no avail. Just as a person without Dharma has no shelter , it appears that without the pleasure of your master you do not have any shelter. Neither mother or brother or family persons can help you. Just this forest alone is the shelter.

Hearing this Sita was shocked with grief. With a broken voice she expressed a wish she may be allowed to see Ram for  seeking some answers. Kritank Vakra told that unfortunately it was not possible since they were very far from the kingdom. Then Sita took control of her emotions and in peaceful unperturbed manner she gave the following last message to Kritank Vakra to carry to Ram.

                “ O chief of army ! Tell Ram on my behalf not to be sad because of discarding me. O Great person ! you must protect your people like your children because they love you. The only thing worth cherishing and worshiping is Samyak Darshan by which people can get rid of this unpleasant world. O Ram ! Samyak Darshan is more than kingdom. Because kingdoms may be lost but Samyak Darshan gives rise to permanent peace and happiness. O great one !  Just as you have discarded me because you got scared of criticism by the people, do not leave Samyak Darshan at any cost since it is very rare achievement. If a jewel is dropped from hand by carelessness into an ocean then how can it be recovered ? People talk whatever they wish since nobody can prevent them. O king! You may hear several things which will be soul destructing but you do not heed to them like an unbalanced person. You act after thinking  what is good for you. Just as sun is bright and provides illumination to the world, and is never corrupted, you remain popular like sun to all. Control anger with forgiveness, pride with humility, deceit with honesty, greed with generosity. O my husband ! you are well versed with scriptures so it is not place to give you sermon. Whatever I have said is due to love of my heart. If I have disrespected you , then please forgive me. I think our journey together was for this long only hence whatever good or bad I have uttered need to be forgiven. “  So saying Sita got down from the chariot and fell on the ground unconscious.

Moral of the story : The last message from Sita is very telling and touching. She does not complain about what Ram  had done. She says that just as you have discarded me by listening to others, do not discard Samyak darshan by advice of   others. Because myself or kingdoms are transitory but the Samyak Darshan or religion is permanent. At worst you may suffer in this birth by my absence but after losing right belief, you will suffer forever birth after birth. Hence do not give up right belief. People should read this line with great care again and again.

                                                                Story –II- The tree of Life

This story is taken from Shanti Path Pradarshan written by Jinendra Varniji. A businessman went to sea carrying cargo in ship. A mighty storm capsized the ship and he was fortunate to find a plank which took him ashore on some island. He travels inside the island to find some help. It is a dense forest with nobody to help. Suddenly he sees one mighty elephant who gives him a chase. He starts running away from the elephant to protect his life, crying for help from God to save him.

                The elephant was very close. He jumps and grabs hold of a branch of a Banyan tree to save himself. He could not climb it , so he was simply hanging holding the branch. The elephant is very angry seeing his prey escaping him so starts shaking the Banyan tree wildly to make him fall from the tree. The businessman is scared to death with the shaking of the tree. When he looks down, he is shocked to see a deep dry well right underneath his feet. Thus he finds death awaiting him if he leaves the branch. Not only this, he sees four mighty Pythons awaiting his fall with mouth wide open in the well. When he looks up, he sees two rats, one black and one white slowly chewing the branch from which he is hanging. It was just a matter of time before the branch would be cut , and he would fall in the well to sure death. One of the four pythons would surely swallow him totally. He starts crying more loudly asking God to help him and save him.

                Meanwhile there is a bee hive on the Banyan tree which has been disturbed by the wild shaking of the tree hence the bees started flying and biting the poor man angrily. He started crying more desperately for divine help.

                The fate changed. A group of Devas are flying that way in their  carrier. They notice the plight of the man and come close to him offering him assistance. One Deva offers to hold him by hand to pick him and pull him to the air carrier. Suddenly a drop of honey drops in the man’s mouth and he is surprised and happy to taste the sweet honey in spite of his plight. The honey is dripping from the bee hive and he enjoys the taste immensely and tries to taste more of it by turning his head in the right direction.

                The deva notices his condition and reminds him to lose no time and grab hold of his hand and come into the carrier. He tells the man that the elephant is still shaking the tree to uproot it. If he falls earlier, he would be swallowed by the four pythons waiting in the well. The branch by which he is hanging is being bitten off by the two rats. Further he is also being bitten by bees. In spite of this, he is finding pleasure in tasting the drop of honey which occasionally drops in his mouth. The deva is surprised to see that the man is not realizing the gravity of the situation.

                The man answers him “ I will come , just let me taste this drop. “ Then he continues to wait for the next drop to fall in his mouth. The deva asked him again and again to pay heed to his offer for assistance. However the man continues to avoid him  and wants to enjoy the drops of honey.

                Ultimately the deva decided to leave him with his fate and goes away. The man continued to wait for the eluding drops of honey, till the rats chewed the branch, with result that he fell into the well into the open mouth of one of the pythons.

Moral of the story :  The man is hanging by the tree of life which is being shaken by the elephant called death. The four pythons are nothing but four future forms in which a man can take birth i.e. heaven, hell, animal and  human. The branch of tree is age   being chewed by black and white rats namely day and night. The bee hive is family of wife, children etc which keep biting him day by day in the form of demands. Sometimes their harassment  make him wish for divine assistance.   The honey drop is the sensory pleasure which is felt  sometimes due to which man is willing to forgo even the divine assistance and not bothered to look at the sure death. The deva is the guru which cajoles him with deshna( sermon) time and again to realize the gravity of life, however the man choses to ignore it for the sake of few drops of honey.

                This is a typical story of any person in everyday life. He is hanging by the tree of life awaiting sure death in four gati( forms). The aging branch is being chewed daily by time. The beehive is like his own family which is engaged in day to day activity keeping him busy and occupied. In return he gets few drops of honey which prevents him to even look at life beyond present. Ultimately  the ayu karma expires and the person meets his destiny.

                Can our life be different ? It is for us to decide.

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