My Presentations

My Collections updated 19/08/2018

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

14 Marganas : 4. Yoga Margana

The 14 marganas represent  the  features by which a Jiva may be recognized. So far we have seen Gati, Indriya and Kaya. The fourth is Yoga. Each Jiva has a yoga of one type or another throughout his life by which he can be identified. Yoga by itself means vibration of soul Pradesh which occurs due to the fruition of Sharir Naam Karma and by presence of desire to indulge in activity of speech, Mind or body which in turn causes matter particles to convert into karma and nokarmas. Binding of these karmas and nokarmas is responsible for manifestation of various attributes of Jiva and his body. Thus the cycle continues. From beginingless time the jiva is associated with a body and karmas and hence the yoga is also present. The true state of Jiva is Ayogi i.e. when vibration of any kind is absent and then the Jiva is truly at peace with himself. The vibration of soul space is called Dravya Yoga while the activation of matter particles into karma nokarma is called Bhava Yoga. Yoga itself is broadly of three types which are detailed into 15 types. The three types are Vachan ( speech), mana ( Mind) and Kaya (body).

1.       Vachan Yoga ( Yoga of speech) :  Firstly  this yoga is possible only for the jivas who have capability of speech i.e. with two senses and above. This can be of four types :
Satya ( true), Asatya( Untrue), Ubhaya( both), Anubhaya( Neither) which can be the four ways a thing can be spoken. Where a thing is told as is known to serve the objective, is called truth. For example where water is told which serves the purpose of drinking etc. However where water is told but no water is available e.g in mirage then it is untruth. Where truth and untruth both are together , it is called Ubhaya( both) e.g a cup may be called a pot since it contains water hence is true but since it is not shaped like a pot, it is untrue also. Lastly where neither of ture or untrue are applicable is called Anubhaya( neither) e.g inviting someone or just addressing someone does not convey truth or untruth.e.g hey Deodatta! The speech of two sensed Jivas is also called Anubhaya since it does not convey any meaning , being non verbal. These are just sounds which represent their happiness or unhappiness etc.

2.       Manoyoga ( Yoga of Mind) : Like speech the yoga of mind is also of four types: Satya ( true), Asatya (Untrue), Ubhaya ( both) and Anubhaya( Neither). Here effort of the mind to convey the truth of object would cause the vibration of soul pertaining to truth and is known as Satya Manoyoga. On the other hand the effort to convey the untruth would result if Astaya Manoyoga. Where the effort is of the nature to convey neither truth nor untruth then it is called Ubhaya Manoyoga. Lastly where the effort of the mind which causes yoga of neither type , then it is known as Anubhaya manoyoga. It may be noted that this type of yoga would be applicable to Jivas who have the mind. These are Jivas with five senses only since others do not have mind hence they shall not have such yoga either.

The reason for Asatya and Anubhaya Vachan and Manoyoga is fruition of Gyanavaraniya and Darshanavarniya ( Knowledge and vision obscuring ) Karmas. The only difference is that for Asatya the obscuration is strong and for Anubhaya , the obscuration is weak in terms of intensity. One may question that why it could not be due to fruition of Mohaniya of the type of belief or conduct ? The answer is that besides the Mithyadrishti jiva of first gunasthana, even the samyak drishti jivas of 4th and above  may also indulge in Asatya etc even though they do not have fruition of Mithyatva hence the cause for asatya is only obscuration of knowledge and vision . In Kevali bhagwan of 13th gunasthana  he has satya and anubhaya vachan and manoyoga since he does not have obscuration of knowledge. It may be asked that why it could be called Anubhaya ? The reason is that his speech is in the form of divine sound which is non verbal hence is called anubhaya. Another question may be asked that how Manoyoga is possible for Kevali who is now beyond senses ? The answer is that it is an informal statement. It is true that his knowledge is direct and not due to senses, and the mind is not involved in knowing a thing but the mind is present nevertheless in physical form , therefore informally it is said that Manoyoga is present for him.

On the other hand Kevali bhagwan in 14th gunsthana is Ayogi since the sharir naam karma has been destroyed therefore he does not have yoga of any type either.

3.       Kaya Yoga ( Yoga of Body) : Kaya yoga is of seven types –

3.1.    Audarik Kaya Yoga : Collection of physical matter is audarik body. By fruition of Audarik sharir naam karma , the manifestation of physical matter particles into Audark sharir form is Audarik Kaya. Compared to Vaikriyik sharir , this body is much coarser, hence is called Audarik. Even though the Sookshma Ekendriya Jivas have a very fine body which is not blocked by any hindrance, it is still called Audarik sharir. Audarik kayayoga is the cause of collection of physical matter particles of audarik form into the Audarik sharir form. Thus the vibration of soul space is responsible for the manifestation of the Audarik body continuously. This type of Kaya yoga is applicable to Human and Tiryanch ( animal) forms.

3.2.    Audarik Mishra Kaya Yoga : When a Jiva moves from one body to next, he goes without any body except accompaniment of Karmana and Tejasa sharir. This can take maximum of 3 samay period and is called Vigrah Gati. Once he reached the destination his body starts forming and is called Aparyapta ( Incomplete) for a period of Antarmuhurta ( less than 48 minutes) till his body formation is completed. Then he is called Paryapta ( complete). During this period of incompleteness his Kaya yoga is Audarik Mishra which is responsible for the vibration of soul space resulting in collection of karma and nokarma particles resulting in formation of body. This kaya yoga is also applicable to human and Tiryanch forms. 

3.3.    Vaikriyik Kaya Yoga : Vikriya stands for super power of transforming body shape into small, large, light or heavy etc. Such bodies belong to Deva and Narakis known as Vaikriyik sharir. The vibration of soul space for collection of particles of such nature into Vakriyik sharir is called Vaikriyik Kaya Yoga.

3.4.    Vaikriyik Mishra Kaya Yoga : When a Jiva moves after death to take birth as Naraki or Deva, after Vigrah Gati of maximum 3 samay period, he reaches the destination and starts forming the body. In that incomplete stage, he has Vaikriyik Mishra type of Kaya yoga which is the vibration of soul space responsible for collection of physical particles into Vaikriyik sharir form. This incomplete state is also for less than antarmuhurta.

3.5.    Aharak Kaya Yoga :  A special body is created by Pramatta Virat Muni of 6th Gunasthana when he wishes to pay obeisance to some inaccessible Tirtha Kshetra or visit Tirthankara for clarification of some doubts in the scripture. This is a secondary body known as Aharak Sharir where his Audarik Body is incapable of travelling. Only Muni who have bonded with Aharak sharir naam karma earlier in 7th or 8th gunasthana are capable of forming this type of body on fruition of that naam karma. This is a magical body devoid of seven types of metal elements  without bones or joints. White in colour like a diamond and is of the size of one arm length which is equal to 24 fingers. This body is formed at the head of the muni and is divine by nature. This body is not obstructed by mountains etc and travel to desired destination and return within  less than antarmuhurta which is the total life span of this body. Since this body is meant to visit Kevali bhagwan for absorbing fine meaning of scriptures, it is called Aharak. During the life span of the body, the physical matter of special nature is collected for maintenance of Aharak body by means of Aharak Kaya Yoga.

3.6.    Aharak Mishra Kaya Yoga : Prior to completion  of Aharak sharir , the incomplete state is called Aharak Mishra state wherein the Aharak Mishra Kaya Yoga is in practice to complete the formation of Aharak body for a period of less than Antarmuhurta.

3.7.    Karmana Kaya Yoga: When a jiva moves after death in Vigrah gati, he is accompanied with Karmana sharir which is a body formed with karmic particles of the eight types. At that time Karmana sharir naam karma is in fruition and the karmic body is maintained with Karamana Kaya Yoga for a period of maximum 3 samay period. If a jiva takes birth without any bend in travel , known as direct travel , he does not take any time for next birth and therefore he does not have karmana kaya yoga in the intermediate period either. If the travel requires one two or three bends , it takes one two or three samay period and this kaya yoga is prevalent. Besides, this kaya yoga is experienced by Kevali Bhagwan at the time of Kevali Smudghat which is the enlargement of his body nearing completion of his age for equalization of periods of balance karmas. This process takes eight samay period. Out of these the 3 samay period in the center correspond to karmana kaya yoga which is present at that time. At other time karmana kaya yoga is not present.

Rules pertaining to Yoga Margana : As a rule the manifestation of a typical Yoga is for a maximum period of one antarmuhurta after which another yoga would take over e.g. kaya yoga would become manoyoga or vachanyoga. The minimum period could be 1 samay when there is interference between yogas. For example one person came to manoyoga and after 1 samay itself he dies , so yoga would become kayayoga. Therefore he spent only one samay in manoyoga.   We may think that we could be doing activities of mind, speech and body altogether hence all three yogas should be present simultaneously , but it is not so. Only one yoga is active at a time while other two yogas are absent though the activity may be continuing due to momentum. Just as a potter spins the wheel and even when he stops spinning , the wheel continues rotation, in the same way even when other yoga are absent , the corresponding activity may continue due to samsakara. However for one sensed jivas who do not have speech or mind the other yogas cannot exist hence they have kayayoga at all times. In two to five sensed jivas without mind, they have two yogas; and in five sensed jivas with mind they would have all three yogas.

Munis pertaining to 6th gunasthana do not have Vaikriyik sharir but they may have vaikriyik kriya i.e. modification e.g. expansion, contraction of their body on account of divine powers. This is termed as Vaikriyik Kaya yoga. However they cannot have Aharak kayayoga at the same time when they are indulging in Vaikriyik kriya.

Only Ayog kevali bhagwan of 14th gunasthana do not have any of the three yogas since all their activities have been stopped. Further any Siddha bhagwan do not have any yoga. One may say that without yoga he may not have strength , but it is not so. Inherently by nature Jivas have infinite virya Shakti which was obscured due to presence of karmas. Now since the karmas are destroyed, the natural strength is available in full strength.

Yoga of a jiva is responsible for the bondage of Prakriti (nature ) and Pradesh ( Quantity) of any karma while his Kashaya ( passion) is responsible for the sthiti ( duration) and anubhag (intensity) of bondage.

Some of the Agnikayik and Vayukayik Jivas which are only one sensed and have only kayayoga, may also have Vakriyik kayayoga wherein they are able to modify their bodies. Similarly some of the Triyanch of five sense types have this capability. In humans  apart from 6th gunasthana munis,  Chakravarti kings of karmabhoomi are also able to indulge in Vaikriyik kaya yoga by creating several of their bodies simultaneously.

The duration of any yoga when all three are present is said to be one antarmuhurta but there are innumerable varieties of anatarmuhurta with maximum pertaining to less than 48 minutes. The minimum period of time Jiva spends is in Satya Manoyoga. Compared to that 4 times he spends in Asatya Manoyoga. Compared to Asatya he  spends 4 times in Ubhaya manoyoga and compared to Ubhaya he spends 4 times in Anubhaya Manoyoga. Thus the proportion of the four is 1:4:16:64. Compared to Manoyoga he spends 4 times more time in Vachan yoga with same type of proportions. Compared to Vachan yoga he spends 4 times more time in Kayayoga. In this way we can see that the numberof Jivas in Satya Manoyoga shall be minimum at a given time while KayaYoga shall be maximum. In any case due to inclusion of one sensed Jivas the number of Jivas having kayayoga alone is infinite.

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