My Presentations

My Collections updated 19/08/2018

Friday, December 1, 2017

14 Marganas : 6. Kashaya Margana

            Kashaya are passions of anger, pride, deceit and greed. Just as a jiva is engaged in yoga of one form or other all his life, the Jiva keeps indulging in passions of one form or another in entire life. There is never a moment that he does not have passions in worldly state. Only when he realizes the true form of self and attains right belief , then he can overcome the passions in 4th gunasthana and then  in 10th gunasthana he can become passionless. The word Kashaya represents the process of cultivating which uses the seeds of passions and gives resultant fruits of them in abundance and this process keeps continuing in all the incarnations that a jiva takes birth without any end.
These four Kashaya are also categorized into four types in accordance with the type of fruit they produce:

1.       Anantanubandhi -  Since this category of passions destroy the right belief of the nine  elements of the world ; this causes Mithyatva which is the root cause of transmigration in the universe endlessly for infinite period, hence it is called anantanubandhi or the one that bonds infinitely. Due to this passion, a jiva cannot be in 4th gunasthana and he is pulled down to 1st gunasthana.

2.       Apratyakhyanavaran -  This category of passion destroys the partial conduct which Jiva tries to attain by adopting Anuvrita ( partial resolutions) in 5th gunastahana. He can at best be in 4th gunastahana with these passions.

3.       Pratyakhyanavaran-  This category of passions destroy the great conduct which Jiva tries to attain by adopting Mahavrita ( great resolution) in 6th gunastahana. He can at best be in 5th gunastahana with these passions.

4.       Sanjwalan -  This category of passions destroy the complete conduct which Jiva tries to attain by destroying all types of Kashaya and attain Yathakhyata Charitra ( Complete conduct) which is possible in 11th gunasthana. He can at best reach upto 10th gunasthana with the presence of Sanjwalan Kashaya.

              Thus each of the four kashayas anger, pride, deceit, greed can be divided into these four categories and  form 16 varieties of kashayas. However  dividing the kashayas into just 16 is a simplified process. In reality if we observe from the point of view of manifestations, the total variations of the fruitions are innumerable lok praman wherein lok praman implies the number of Pradesh ( spaces) in entire universe which itself is innumerable. Similarly the variations of the Kashaya itself which causes bondage of Charita Mohaniya karma is also innumerable lok praman although it has been stated to be just 16.

Another manner in which the kashayas are categorized is by means of intensity –

1.       Anger :  It can be of four types. Shila bheda  ( line in rock), Prithvi bheda( line in earth), Dhooli rekha ( line in dust), Jala rekha ( line in water) which results birth in hell, animals, human and heaven respectively.
Just as  line on rock is very hard and does not vanish even after a long time, the anger so strong that does not evaporate into forgiveness even  after a long time is the strongest variety  of anger which results in a jiva taking birth in hell.
Just as a line on earth takes long time to vanish , such intermediate anger causes birth in Tiryanch ( animal) gati.
Just as a line in dust does not take long to vanish, such weaker anger causes birth in humans.
Just as a line in water vanishes quite soon, such weakest anger causes birth in heaven.
It implies that on account of such nature, the jiva accordingly accrues karmas of such nature  which result in birth of those types  e.g ayu, gati etc.

2.       Pride :  It can be of four types namely shell( stone ), asthi ( bone), kaashta( wood), Benta ( cane) which results in birth in hell, animals, humans and heaven respectively.
Just as stone cannot be bent , the Jiva with the strongest pride does not  bend with humility and takes birth in hell with such attitude.
Just as even after long time a bone cannot be bent , a jiva with such strong pride takes birth in animals .
Just as wood takes some  time to bend , a person with such pride takes birth in humans.
Like a cane stick which bends easily , a jiva with such weak pride takes birth in heaven.
It implies that a jiva with such attitude of pride accrues karmas resulting in birth of these types.

3.       Deceit : This is of  four types represented by Venuyamoola (bamboo roots), Urbhrakshranga ( horns of antelope), gomootra ( urine of cow), Kshur ( hoof of bull) respectively.
Like roots of bamboo which are unresolvable  dense, a jiva with strongest deceit takes birth in hell. With deceit of the type of twisted horns of antelope a jiva takes birth in animals. With simpler deceit like urine of cow a person takes birth in humans and with simplest deceit like the foot print of a bull , a person takes birth in heaven.
It implies that with strongest deceit one  accrues karmas resulting in birth in hell while the weakest bonds with karmas resulting in birth in heaven.

4.       Greed : This is of four types represented by Krimirag(), chakramal( wheel grease), Tanumal( body dirt), haridrag ( turmeric color) respectively.
Like the densest colour which does not fade even after long time , such strongest greed makes one take birth in hell. Just as wheel grease does not  fade easily a jiva with such strong greed takes birth in animals. Just as body dirt washes easily , a jiva with such simpler greed takes birth in humans. Like turmeric color which fades easily a jiva with simplest greed takes birth in heaven.
Again it shows that stongest greed  accrues karmas corresponding to hell while weakest greed accrues karmas bonding with heaven.

Duration of Kashaya in various Gati :  Each of the four kashayas keep fructifying at any given moment i.e. a Jiva can keep changing from one Kashaya to another with a maximum of antarmuhurta ( less than 48 minutes) in any of them. The minimum period of any Kashaya is also antarmuhurta , but there are innumerable  differences between minimum to maximum. For a typical Jiva the minimum period in any Kashaya can be one samay also since he may change to a specific Kashaya just before his death and die in one samay. Then  his Kashaya in his next birth would be different.
There is an interesting statement by Yativrishabh Acharya author of Kashay Pahud churni sutras that when a Jiva takes birth in hell, animals, humans and heaven then at the first moment of birth the Jiva shall have fruition of anger, deceit, pride and greed respectively. However as per Bhootbali Acharya author of Mahabandh , such is not the case. Acharya Veersen author of Dhavala & Jayadhavala granths states that obviously one of the two statements must be correct but since we do not have the means of verification in Bharat Kshetra at the present moment since no omniscient is available hence we cannot discard either of the two statements. Therefore we should collect both the statements without any favour towards either of them. This is a beautiful way Acharya Veersen has treated  the conflict of scriptures without having any bias.

Regardless of the above statement , the in Narak Gati a Jiva spends most of his time in Anger than other Kashaya. This is described by means of an imaginary example. Suppose the duration of greed is 1 unit, deceit is 4 units, pride is 16 units and anger is 64 unit with total of 85 units of time. Suppose number of naraki jivas is 1700 then the number of Jivas in greed shall be 20, deceit 80, pride 320 and anger 1280 at any given time. On the other hand Devas are predominantly greedy and spend most of their time in greed. For the above example the number of Jivas in anger shall be 20, pride 80, deceit 320 and greed 1280 for Deva gati. Similarly the humans spend most of their time in pride while animals spend  their time in deceit.

Gunasthana with Kashaya : All jivas from one sensed onwards keep indulging in all the four Kashaya at all times in Mithyadrishti gunasthana. Only when Jiva realizes his true nature and experiences his own soul , then he reaches 4th gunastahana with the subsiding of Anantanubandhi types of kashayas which means that although he indulges all the four types of Kashayas , he does not fruition of anantanubadhi types , therefore his passions are relatively lower compared to Mithyadrishti jiva. However if due to some reason the anantanubandhi karma fructifies then within a very short period he falls to 2nd Gunasthana namely Sasadan and from there he immediately falls to 1st Gunastahan.
With the adoption of Anuvrita ( partial resolutions) his Apratyakhyanavaran types of Kashaya subside and he reaches 5th gunastahana which is possible only in humans and animals. With the adoption of Mahavrita ( great resolution) his pratyakhyanavaran types of Kashaya subside and  he reaches 6th gunastahana which is feasible only for humans ( with all the three bhava ved). Only Sanjwalan type of Kashaya are present from here onwards. When he reaches 9th gunastahana  the three Kashaya anger, pride and deceit of sanjwalan nature also subside and greed becomes very weak. In 10th gunastahan the greed Kashaya also subsides totally and thus in 11th gunastahana he emerges as Upashanta Kashaya Jiva with Yathakhyata Charitra conduct. There is a parallel route in which Kashaya are destroyed rather than subsided and with that route jivas reach 12th gunastahana called Ksheen Moha. The difference is that from 11th gunastahana the Jiva invariably returns to 6th gunasthana due to fruition of Kashaya  bhavas sequentially while those he climb the Kshapak Shreni to 12th gunastahana do not return as the Kashaya has been destroyed. In either case upto 10th gunastahana the Kashaya bhava is present and after this in 11th or 12 gunastahana he is called Akashayi ( without passion) jiva. Jivas from 12th gunastahan shortly attain keval gyana and become Sayog Kevali of 13th gunasthana. Both 13th and 14th gunastahana jivas are Akashayi only and so also is Siddha Bhagwan.

Effect of Kashaya on Jiva :  It can be seen that Kashaya is always present at all times of the jiva similar to yoga in one form or another. They play an important role in bondage of various karmas which is also going on at every moment of Jivas’ life. While yoga is responsible for accrual of nature and numbers of karma being bonded at any time, the Kashaya bhava is responsible for accrual of duration and intensity of the bondage. However even for one bondage of typical duration there can be innumerable types Kashaya bhavas which can be responsible for the same.  By itself the four Kashaya can be bonded by the jiva with a maximum duration of 40 Kodakodi sagar for five sensed jiva with mind. One can compare this with the maximum duration of 70 Koda kodi sagar accrued for bondage of Mithyatva karma.

There are four main cause for influx of karmas into a jiva, a process known as Asrava. These are Mithyatva, Avirati, Kashaya and Yoga. These are stated in specific order of importance. With the presence of Mithyatva Jiva cannot come out of 1st gunastahana. If Mithyatva is subsided then jiva can reach 4th gunastahana but being avirati he cannot climb further. By adopting Anuvrita and Mahavrita he can reach 6th gunasthana but then Sanjwalan Kashaya prevents him to climb further. Actually it is mainly this Kashaya which needs to be overcome to proceed further on the path to Moksha. Once it is overcome then he automatically attains complete conduct and can even become sayog kevali. The yoga is overcome in 14 gunsthana to attain Moksha itself. 

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