My Presentations

My Collections updated 19/08/2018

Saturday, December 23, 2017

14 Marganas : 8. Sanyam Margana

Sanyam implies following the right rules along with the right belief and right knowledge. These rules are of five types : Following Ahimsa ( non violence ) etc five types of vows, Following samiti ( five types of controls while walking, talking, eating, taking , disposing) , control over the kashayas of anger etc., control over the activities of mind, speech and body, and being victorious over the five senses.

Primarily Sanyam starts with the taking of vows of Mahavritas of Ahimsa, Truth, Non stealing, Non possessing and Celibacy which are taken by the right believer Muni in 6th Gunasthana who also follows 28 vows pertaining to Sainthood. In practice a person may  traverse from 1st, 4th or 5th Gunasthana directly by following the vows and entering into pure contemplation of the self pertaining thus reaching 7th Gunasthana. Since self contemplation can have a maximum period of anatarmuhurta , he climbs down to 6th gunasthana which is pertaining to practices of sainthood and again climbs to 7th gunasthana within an antarmuhurta. Thus he keeps traversing between 6th and 7th Gunasthana every antarmuhurta ( maximum of 48 minutes). While 6th gunasthana is state of practicing , praying etc , known as pramatta while 7th gunasthana is the state of pure self contemplation in Nirvikalpa state known as apramatta. This continues all his life unless he climbs further to higher Gunasthana known as Sreni. On the other hand if he does not maintain this practice, he drops down to lower Gunasthanas and he is not a Sanyami any more. As described earlier, kashayas are of four types- Anantanubandhi, Apratyakhyanavarna, Pratyakhyanavarana and Sanjwalan. While fruition of Anantanubandhi prevents attaining Right belief, the fruition of Apratyakhyanavarana prevents attaining partial sanyam known as Desha Sanyam. Fruition of Pratyakhyanavarna prevents attaining Sanyam by adopting Mahavritas. The fourth type of Kashaya Sanjwalan  is quite weak and does not prevents attaining Sanyam but prevents attaining Yathakhyat Charitra i.e. totally pure conduct. Thus Sanyam margana deals with the process of winning over the Charitra Mohaniya karmas.

Sanyam Marganas are of seven  types : 1. Asanyam, 2. SanyamaSanyam,  3. Samayik, 4. Chhedopasthapana  5. Parihar Vishuddhi  6. Sookshma Samparaya    7. Yathakhyata Sanyam   

1.       Asanyam :  As the name indicates, this represents Jivas with lack of Sanyam of any type. Those who do not try to avoid violence towards various types of Jivas and have no control over their senses. All Jivas from 1st to 4th Gunasthana belong to this category. Even the 4th Gunasthana Jiva, though he is a right believer , since he does not practice any control hence is treated as Asanyami. There are 28 subjects of the senses over which Asanyami has no control which are 5 tastes, 5 colours, 2 smells, 8 types of contacts, 7 types of sounds and one mind.

Therefore most of the Jivas belong to this category. Their numbers would be the number of all Jivas minus the Sanyami and sanyamasanyami Jivas together which are innumerable only.

2.       Sanyamasanyam : Those who adopt the vows partially are called Desha Sanyami or SanyamaSanyami. These are right believers in 5th gunasthana who follow 12 types of Vritas namely 5 Anuvrita, 3 GunaVrita, 4 Shiksha Vrita which are limited vows compared to 5 Mahavritas followed by Munis in 6th Gunasthana. Further these DeshVritis follow 11 Pratimas or vows depending upon their capability. Those who follow all 11 become eligible to ascend to Munihood. [ Details of these Vritas are not being described since it would become quite cumbersome. It is suggested to read Tatvartha Sutra or Ratnakarand Sravakachar for the same.]These Jivas can be human or Tiryanch but not Devas or Narakis who do not have capability to accept Sanyam even partially. However animals can reach upto 5th gunasthana. The total number of such Jivas in the entire Lokakash is an innumerable fraction of one Palya which is an innumerable quantity. Women can also reach upto a maximum of 5th gunasthana by undertaking sanyamasanyam.

     3.&4. Samayik & Chhedopasthapana :  A jiva who has undertaken the 5  Mahavritas  of  Non   Violence, truth, non  stealing, non possessing, and celibacy have  fruition of only Sanjwalan    Kashaya  while all other three types are suppressed or destroyed , belong to the category of               Samayik  or Chhedopasthapana. Actually both are treated as one type. The difference is that           Samayik represents Jivas in contemplation stage experiencing the singularity of the soul in   indivisible form while chhedopasthapana represents the same saint who has dropped into non   contemplating  stage and is practicing the 5 vows pertaining to Sanyam , which implies   reestablishing the self into sanyam. This practice is also undertaken if there is a fault on the part      of Muni in practicing the dharma wherein he practices penance for the fault and reestablishes             himself into dharma. Both of these belong to 6th to 9th Gunasthana. These munis have totally              discarded violence towards any form of Jiva and are continuously engaged in self realization.          The minimum period of these sanyams is Antarmuhurta after which he may drop to lower          gunasthana. The maximum period could be lifelong of the humans which is nearly one poorva             koti. Jivas other than humans cannot undertake Sanyam. Even women cannot undertake  Sanyam due to physical limitations.

   5. Parihar Vishuddhi : These are special category of Munis who attain special powers of traversing  even      in the night or rainy season which is not feasible for all other munis. Those who , after   attaining   30 years of age have undertaken Deeksha ( practice of sainthood) and studied            the 9thPoorva   Pratyakhyan  under the auspices of Tirthankara for a period of 8-9 years , attains       the special          powers of not harming the Jivas even while travelling hence are called Parihar    Vishuddhi Sanyami. He does not accrue any himsa towards jiva just as a lotus flower in the               pond does not become   wet. Such Jivas belong to 6-7 Gunasthana only. Here the minimum          period could be   antarmuhurta to  maximum period of 38 years less than one poorva koti.

   6. Sookshma Samparaya Sanyami :  Those who have climbed the Shreni ( ladder) of spiritual    development can reach the 10th Gunasthana of Sookshma Samparaya i.e very small kashaya.              Actually the Shreni are also of two types. One is Upasham shreni from which invariably the Jiva returns down to lower gunasthana since he cannot go further than 11th gunasthana as karmas   are        not destroyed but suppressed only. On the other hand Kshapak Shreni is climbed by      Jivas who   have destroyed the charitra mohaniya karmas and would never drop down i.e they would attain  keval gyana and Moksha untimately. For both type of Jivas the 10th Gunasthana represents the stage where only Lobha ( greed) Kashaya is present and that too   in very weak form. At the end   of this gunasthana , lobha is also destroyed or  totally   suppressed and the Jiva attains the purest  of conduct i.e. Yathakhyata Charitra.

  7. Yathakhyat Sanyam :  From 11th gunasthana onwards the Jivas enter Yathakhyat sanyam state     where the conduct is purest. However in 11th gunasthana if the Jiva has climbed Upasham shreni     he may drop back to lower gunasthana since he cannot sustain it for long and fruition of karmas  cause him to drop down. On the other hand those who have climbed Kshapak shreni do not  drop down and climb further to 12th and 13th Gunasthana and ultimately attain Siddhahood. From 11th onwards the experience of the soul is the purest which is reflected as the conduct being the purest as all Kashaya have been suppressed or destroyed. Thus there is no reason for   perturbation of the soul.

Number of Sanyami Jivas :  As per scripture the number of Sanyami jivas in the entire universe is   consistent at any given moment of time.  It can be represented by the table given below:
6th gunasthana
7th gunasthana
8th Upasham shreni
8th Kshapak shreni
9th Upasham shreni
9th Kshapak shreni

From these the number of Sanyamis is given in the following table:

Yathakhyat sanyami

It may be noted that the number of Yathakhyat sanyami is predominantly those in 13th Gunasthana since they can be in this gunasthana for almost one poorva koti which is the maximum possible  age of humans in karma bhoomi   while all other gunasthana have a maximum period of antarmunurta only. In fifth gunasthana the numbers is innumerable fraction of one palya. Adding all these together and subtracting from total number of Jivas gives us the number of Asanyami Jivas. 

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