My Presentations

My Collections updated 19/08/2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018

8. Samayasar Gatha 15-18

The same is stated as the next Gatha :

Gatha 15 : The person who sees the soul as untouched/bondage- free, unique, indifferent, permanent and interaction free- conjoined with these five adjectives, he views the entire Jina Shasana. How is that Jina Shasana ? Which comprises of external dravya sruta in the form of spoken words  and internal Bhava sruta in the form of knowledge , both of them together form the Jina Shasana.

Commentary : The experience of the soul in the five forms of untouched/unbonded, unique, permanent, indifferent and interaction free bhavas is definitely the experience of entire Jina Shasana because sruta gyana is soul itself hence it proves that experience of the soul itself is  the experience of the knowledge.

However it is important to note that the knowledge is really experienced when experienced with the exposition of samanya gyana (knowledge without differentiation) and with the suppression of Vishesha gyana ( knowledge with differentiation) of the form of subjects of knowledge. However those who are ignorant and those who are interested/involved  in objects of knowledge  alone; they do not experience the taste of knowledge. The same is elaborated by means of an example-

Imagine a large serving of food comprising of several vegetables. An ignorant person enjoys the tastes of various vegetables without realizing that it is the common salt which is inherent in all the vegetables which is providing them the taste. He is engrossed in tasting the different vegetables and does not experience the common factor present. If we examine it carefully then we find that it is really the taste of common salt which is being experienced in all the special preparations being experienced.

In the same manner, the objects of knowledge are several and are mixed. The ignorant is engrossed in knowing them differently and he does not realize the common factor knowingness  inherent within all of them. If we examine it carefully then we find that the people with right knowledge are not engrossed in the objects of knowledge separately  , but they experience the common knowingness itself amongst all of them.

Further, just as a crystal of salt when considered without in conjunction with other dravyas,  is  experienced as salt only due to its nature, in the same manner, the soul also, when experienced without interaction of other dravyas, it is experienced as knowingness alone due to its being of  nature of knowledge from all sides.

Explanation : Here experience of the soul has been declared to be same as the experience of knowledge. The ignorant people are engrossed in objects of knowledge i.e. subjects of sensory knowledge alone , due to which they taste the knowledge in the form of several objects of knowledge , and do not taste the knowledge as different from those objects. However those who have the right knowledge, they are not engrossed in objects of knowledge, they experience the knowledge as different from those objects in a singular knowledge form

Just as crystal of salt tastes of salt alone different from other vegetables, the right knowledge person experiences the knowledge as different from all other objects of knowledge. Therefore knowledge alone is soul and soul itself is knowledge. In this manner on observing it is said that, without differentiation of qualities and its owner, different from all other  dravyas, immersed within all its paryayas singularly unchangingly,  experience of the self alone is experience of the knowledge. This experience itself is the experience of the Jina shasana in the form of bhava sruta gyana. From shuddha naya point of view there is no difference between the two.

The same is expressed in kalash form as follows:

Shloka 14: Acharya wishes that we should attain that great glorified bright form which is always manifested in the form of consciousness. Just as a crystal of salt always manifests in the form of saltiness, in the same manner the great glorified form manifests in the form of knowledge. How is that brightness ? – indivisible i.e. it does not divide into different forms of objects of knowledge. And how is it ? –Unperturbed, in which there is no perturbation on account of nimitta of karmas causing generation of passionate bhavas. And how is it ? – Indestructible. Internally which is experienced as illuminated due to consciousness   and externally which is illuminated and known  by the acts of speech and body. Which is natural  and simple. No one has created it. Whose brightness is ever constantly illuminated.

Explanation: Here Acharya preys that the flame of singular knowledge form be ever available to us.

Now the next gatha is introduced by the kalash:

Shloka 15: Those desirous of attaining   permanent soul of the nature of knowledge as described above practice in two ways as the practitioner and his goal. Only the soul is the objective hence O disciples ! Practice that only.

Explanation : Although the soul of the nature of knowledge is one only, its final complete form is the goal and the incomplete form is the state of practitioner. With these two differentiations , the one final form is the object of practice.
Now in the next gatha the form of practitioner of belief-knowledge-conduct is described:

Gatha 16: It is desirable that the saint person practices the belief-knowledge-conduct continuously. Although these are three but from Nishchaya Naya point of view they are one soul only. 

Commentary : From Nishchaya naya point of view the goal and the means are one and the same i.e. the soul needs to  practice being within himself  continuously. The same is described in Vyavahara naya form as that the saints should practice belief-knowledge-conduct continuously. In reality if we see then all the three are one and the same and there is no difference since these are manifestations of the soul only.

Just as the belief-knowledge-conduct of a person named Devadatta do not trespass  beyond his nature while manifesting, and thus they are Devadatta only not another thing. In the same manner the belief-knowledge-conduct of the soul do not exceed beyond the nature of the soul and are therefore soul only not another thing. Hence it is established that only one soul needs to be practiced  and that soul illuminates on its own.

Explanation: Belief-knowledge-conduct are the paryayas of soul only and not another thing. Hence from Nishchaya point of view the saint should practice the soul only and in practice the others should be preached the same.
The same is described in next kalash :

Shloka 16 : If the soul is observed from the point of view of Praman , then the soul is seen to be many states as well as single state at the same time. Because the soul is in three forms of belief-knowledge-conduct and at the same time it is one with itself.

Explanation: From praman point of view the  eternal substance  is observed as Dravya –Prayaya form together, hence soul is also observed as one and many forms together.

Now the Nayas are described:

Shloka 17 : If seen from Vyavahara naya point of view then the soul has three natures hence is many formed because the soul manifests in the form of belief-knowledge-conduct.

Explanation : The soul is one from Shuddha Dravyarthik naya point of view. When this naya is rendered primary then the Paryayarthik naya is ignored. Therefore saying that one is  manifesting in the form of three is Vyavahara and is untrue also . In this manner from Vyavahara naya point of view the soul is described as many due to manifestation of belief-knowledge-conduct.
Now realistic view is described:

Shloka 18 : If observed from shuddha Nishchaya naya point of view then soul is of singular form of flame of knowledge , because from shuddha dravyarthik naya point of view , his  nature is to reject the vibhava bhavas generated due to nimitta of other dravya and due to nature of other dravyas. Hence he is purely one only.

Explanation: If we discard the differentiating view and observe from undifferentiated view then soul is singular and that is one form only.
Thus soul has been declared as one –many from the points of view of praman- naya aspects. Hence discarding these worries one should practice the goal , whichever way possible.

Shloka 19: The soul is of the form of many by differentiation and is of the form of one by undifferentiated view- do not worry about them. The soul as the goal can be realized only by the belief-knowledge-conduct , these three bhavas and nothing else – this is the rule.

Explanation: The pure nature of the soul is the goal to be realized by means of pure dravyarthik naya. This is performed using Paryayarthik naya form Vyavahara naya . Hence it is asked that what is the purpose of statement of differentiated-undifferentiated forms. Whichever way the goal is attained , same  route should be adopted.  The people oriented towards Vyavahra understand paryaya only hence belief-knowledge-conduct form manifestation alone is soul, thus differentiated form is given prominence to realize the undifferentiated   form.

Same objective is stated by means of example in  following two gathas:

Gatha 17 : Just as a person desirous of money identified the king , follows him, and then serves him very well with lot of care in conduct.

Gatha 18 : In the same way person desirous of Moksha should know the king in the form of Jiva, believe in him , and then conduct accordingly i.e. experience him by immersing in the same. 

Commentary : Definitely a person desirous of money firstly identifies the king with care and then  follows him thinking that by serving this king definitely he will earn money and therefore conducts /serves accordingly. He fulfills his wishes and pleases him. In the same way the person desirous of Moksha should first know the soul. Then he should have faith that certainly this is the soul and by serving it I shall get rid of the karmas. Therefore he conducts accordingly i.e. experiences and immerses within the soul. For attaining the goal of karma free , pure , undifferentiated soul this is the only method; there is no other way.

At the time of experiencing the soul, there is a mix of various paryaya form differentiating bhavas, even then with intelligence and differentiating knowledge , he realizes and believes that this experiencing self is me. Thus with the knowledge of the soul, he realizes that  the soul is such only. At the   same time with the differentiating knowledge of the other bhavas, he is able to confidently realize his soul by conducting accordingly.  In this manner the goal of the soul is attained. “ This is the only way- there is no other” –It is so emphasized.

On the other hand this bhagwan atma ( soul of the form of god) which is on the nature of experience , is always accessible to all the jivas young and the elderly in the form of experience, even so due to eternal bondage of karmas, due to belief of oneness with  the other dravyas, i.e. without knowledge of reality, the ignorant jiva  does not realize  that  “ the one who experiences is self”. Without the knowledge of the self , the belief of the unknown is  like horns of a donkey , which means there is no belief at all. At the same time due to the lack of differentiating knowledge with respect to other bhavas, and further lack of experiencing the carefree soul, lack of conduct of the soul, he is not able to attain the goal of the soul. In this manner the goal of the soul cannot be realized. Which means that it cannot be done any other way- this is so emphasized.

Explanation : The goal of soul can be attained with belief-knowledge-conduct only and no other means. Hence firstly he knows the soul “as the one knowing , which is being experienced is myself”. Then he develops belief in it because without knowing he cannot have faith. In this manner by differentiating with all other bhavas and becoming stationary within the self is the means to attain the goal. Because if he does not know then he cannot have faith , then where can he concentrate upon ? Therefore there is no other way- this is emphasized.
Same is stated as kalash :

Shloka 20 : Acharya says that we continuously experience the light of the soul. How is it ? – Which is characterized by infinite indestructible consciousness. Why do we experience ? Because without this experience there is no other means to attain the goal of the soul. – this is the rule. How is this light of soul? In some aspect even after adopting three forms, which has not given up its nature of singularity. And how is it ? It manifests in pure form.

Explanation: Acharya says that in certain aspect from the point of view of paryaya, it has three forms, even then from the point of view of pure dravya , it has not discarded its singular form, such is the infinite conscious form pure light of the soul which we continuously experience. What it implies is that the people with right belief should experience in the same way as he does.  

Commentary : Now someone argues that the knowledge has singleness with the soul and they are not different, hence soul has been experiencing knowledge always, then why are we being taught to experience knowledge ? Acharya replies that it is not so. Although soul has singleness with knowledge, even so the soul does not experience knowledge even for a moment. Because knowledge is generated only by Swayambuddhatva (by self) or bodhitbuddhatva ( by teaching of someone else). Therefore either he should realize by himself on kala-labdhi (on opportune moment) or by preaching of someone else. Just as a sleeping person wakes up by himself or  when someone wakes him up.

Here the disciple enquires again- If it is so then before the awakening of the knowledge can the soul be called ignorant, because till then he has been ignorant only ? Acharya replies – It is true. Till then he is ignorant only.

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