My Presentations

My Collections updated 19/08/2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018

23. Samayasar Gatha 93-97

Now it is said that the knowledge is not cause of karma:

Gatha 93 : The Jiva who does not believe the soul to be others and others as the soul , that jiva is gyani( knowledgeable) and not the doer of karmas.

Commentary : This jiva having the differentiating knowledge of the soul with others, does not manifest self into the form of others nor does he manifest others into the form of self. Then he appears to be gyani being akarta(non doer) of the karmas. The same is clarified below:

Just as hot or cold form  manifestations of pudgala result in experiences of hot or cold states which are indifferent from pudgala manifestations and always entirely different from the soul.  In the same way, the raga-dwesha, sukha-dukha etc are forms of  manifestations of pudgala capable of causing experiences of raga-dwesha, sukha-dukha etc. On account of nimitta of these states, such experiences are indifferent from the soul and very different from pudgala. Knowing this difference and having the differentiating knowledge between them, just as soul is incapable of manifesting in hot or cold forms himself, he is also incapable of manifesting in raga-dwesha, sukha-dukha forms etc.

In this manner not manifesting in ignorant forms of raga-dwesha, sukha-dukha etc., revealing the knowledgeability of the knowledge, the gyani jiva knows that “ I am just knower of raga-dwesha etc. which are pudgala ” – thus he does not manifest as karta of the raga etc. karmas which are ignorant deeds.

Explanation : When soul knows the raga-dwesha, sukha-dukha etc. states as different from the knowledge, e.g. “ The hot or cold are pudgala states- and so also are raga dwesha - with this differentiating knowledge he knows himself as knower and knows the raga etc. as pudgala. Then soul does not manifest as their karta but remains their knower only.

Now question arises that why karmas are generated out of ignorance ? -This is replied below: 

Gatha 94 : These three types of Upayogas themselves contemplate that “ I am anger form”, in this manner he is karta of his own Upayoga bhava.

Commentary : In reality the consciousness manifestation in impure form is ignorant state in general and the same is of three types – Mithyadarshan, Avirati, Agyan.  This manifestation materializes in three forms- viewing self and others as not different, knowing them as same and having attachment without any difference. In other words by discarding all differences, he experiences the Chetan and achetan which are manifested in Bhavak –Bhavya bhava form as belonging to same state. Thus “ I am anger” – this form untrue vikalpa (contemplation) arises in the soul, believing anger only to be the soul . Therefore this soul , by misbelieving “ I am anger” – manifesting in corrupted consciousness form , he becomes the karta of that impure consciousness manifestation bhava.

Just as anger is stated above, in the same way anger should be replaced by pride, deceit, greed; moha, raga, dwesha; karma, nokarma; mind, speech, body; ear, eye, smell, taste, touch ;- thus these 16 sutras should be described and in accordance with this sermon others should also be considered.

Explanation :  Mithyadarshan, Agyan and avirati – these three are corrupted consciousness manifestations. Without realizing difference between self and others he believes, “ I am angry, I am proud” etc. – believing in this manner the ignorant jiva manifests as karta of those corrupted consciousness manifestations. By being karta , those ignorant bhavas are his own karma ; thus ignorance alone generates karmas.

Now it is said  that in the same manner the ignorant jiva contemplates as his own the other dravyas namely dharma etc. -  

Gatha 95 : These three types of Upayoga contemplate the other dravyas dharma etc.  as their own, believes them to be their own, therefore he is karta of  his own bhava of upayoga form.

Commentary : In general the ignorant form corrupted manifestations are of three types – Mithyadarshan, agyan and avirati. This Upayoga, when it does not recognize the difference between self and others, does not know any difference and cherishes both by hiding their difference, then he believes the others dravyas like dharma etc. which are manifested due to knower-known relationship like ‘I am dharma dravya, I am adharma dravya, I am akash dravya, I am kaal dravya, I am pudgala dravya and other Jivas are myself only’. Due to such delusion, manifesting in corrupted consciousness , he is the karta of those corrupted manifestations.

Explanation : This soul treats dharma etc. other dravyas also as his own out of ignorance. Therefore is the  karta of those ignorant conscious manifestations.
Here someone enquires that the treating pudgala and other Jivas as his own out of ignorance is seen and understandable but dharma , adharma, akash and kaal dravyas are not visible hence how is it possible to believe them as his own?

Answer – The characteristics of dharma dravya are experienced. For example the characteristics of dharma and adharma  dravyas are being cause for movement and immobility. Therefore the Jivas and pudgala objects move or stay due to the nimitta of these dravyas, hence they are the objects of attachment and oneness. In the same manner there is attachment towards the space which is the area occupied by akash dravya.  Also there is attachment towards the specific period of time, like occasions when the birth or death etc. occur. Thus it should be known.

Now it is said that this establishes that the cause of believing to be doer is primarily ignorance.

Gatha 96 : In this manner low witted ignorant jiva, out of ignorance believes the other dravyas as soul  and soul as others.

Commentary : Explicitly this soul believes own soul to be other dravyas and others as self in the manner of “ I am anger” or “ I am dharma dravya”. Although this soul is devoid of any relations to other objects being of pure unlimited conscious nature. Even then out of ignorance he appears to be karta of the impure corrupted manifestations. In this manner the main cause for appearing as doer for the soul is established to be ignorance just as the case of person captured by demons or the person lost in meditation. These examples are elaborated as follows:

    Suppose a person is possessed by the demons. Then due to ignorance he misconstrues himself as the demon and starts doing acts beyond the capability of human beings. Due to such activities that person appears to be karta of those inhumanly activities. In the same way, the soul also out of ignorance, misconstrues soul and others as one in the form of Bhavak-Bhavya bhava. Thus he appears to be karta of the several types of the corrupted bhavya form anger etc. manifestations of the conscious self which are unbecoming to his uncorrupted experience form bhavak.

In a similar way suppose a simple dumb person started meditating of a buffalo following the orders of a thoughtless Acharya. Then out of ignorance he believes self to be a buffalo and he imagines it to so large that his horns are touching the sky such that he is incapable of coming out of his hut since the door is too small. Thus he appears to be karta of such deluding imaginary bhavas. In the same way, the soul also believes out of ignorance that the knower and the known i.e. self and others are one and the same. Thus believing self to be other dravyas, by the engagement of his own pure consciousness in the subjects of mind namely dharma, adharma, akash, kaal, pudgala and other jiva dravya, or by the obscuration of his own knowing nature in the corporeal subjects of senses, or by the attachment of the pure nectar and knowledge  form soul with the dead body, he appears to be karta of  such bhavas.

Explanation : This soul out of ignorance of Bhavya-bhavak relationship believes the anger etc. and dharma etc. other dravyas as his own self. Due to this whichever bhava is generated he believes self to be karta of the same. In this commentary , in the context of believing anger etc. to be his own, the example of demon possessed person is given while in the context of believing dharma etc. dravya to be same as self, the example of person engaged in meditation is given. 

Now it is said that it establishes that with knowledge the attitude of being karta is destroyed :

Gatha 97 : Therefore the wise persons, knowers of nishchaya naya have called the soul to be karta due to the aforesaid reasons. Therefore the gyani who knows this, gives up all attitude of being doer.

Commentary : By whatsoever reason, out of ignorance,  the soul believes self and others to be one and the same, due to the same reason he definitely appears to be karta . The one who knows it gives up all the attitude of being doer; hence he appears to be akarta. The same is clarified further-  

In this world, from the eternal times, this soul has been experiencing pudgala karma and his own bhavas in a mixed form due to ignorance with the result that his capability of experiencing himself differently has been obscured. This is so from beginingless times – hence he believes self and others as one only. Due to this reason, he indulges in “I am anger” etc. types of contemplations. Therefore he is corrupted from his own contemplation free, natural, dense knowledge form self, and appears to be a karta manifesting in various types of contemplations at all times. 

When the same soul attains knowledge; due to this right knowledge, from the beginning itself his capability to experience the pudgala karma as different from his own nature is revealed. Once this occurs then he knows that his own taste of the conscious soul is sweet-pleasant, different from the continuously being experienced different tastes from eternal times. The taste of the passions is of different nature, bitter and tasteless; believing them to be his own is cause of ignorance.

In this manner the Gyani knows the soul and others as different . Therefore he knows, “I am natural, one, permanent knowledge only and anger etc. are unnatural, many, temporary, which I am not” – knowing thus  he does not indulge in any of such contemplation of “I am anger etc.” and gives up all attitude of being doer, thus he remains knower only  in a completely detached Veetrag  state. Therefore he appears to be totally  akarta  contemplation free, natural, one, permanent, dense knowledge form.

Explanation : The one who knows that the sense of being doer with respect to other dravyas and their bhavas is ignorance then why would he attempt to be their doer?  - If he wishes to remain ignorant then he might act as their doer. Thus after attaining knowledge one does not remain doer of other dravyas.

The same is described in the next kalash :

Shloka 57 : Although by nature he is of the form of knowledge, but out of ignorance a person acts similar to animals like elephants who derive pleasure in eating nice food mixed with grass.

What does he do ? An example is given – Just as some person after drinking Shikharni and liking its sweet-sour taste of curd and sugar ; without realizing its difference from milk, he milks a cow to drink more of the same.

Explanation : Just as some person after drinking Shikharni and liking its taste immensely, without having knowledge of the contents, he believes that this taste is that of the milk, therefore being desirous of more  he milks a cow. In the same way, an  ignorant person without knowing the difference between self and others, believing the sensual objects to be pleasurable, he gathers pudgala karmas with great desire. In this way without experiencing the difference of own knowledge and pudgala karmas, he enjoys the taste of nice food mixed with grass like an animal.   

Again it is told that on account of such ignorance he is karta of pudgala karma :

Shloka 58 : Although common folks are of the nature of pure knowledge from aspect of Nishchaya naya, even then they become karta of other dravyas due to restlessness of ignorance. Just as due to wind the sea becomes choppy, in the same way the Jiva indulges in several contemplations hence becomes karta. Observe that out of ignorance only the deer runs after the mirage for drinking water and out of ignorance only people run away from rope in the dark  believing it to be snake.

Explanation : What all does not happen due to ignorance ? – Just as a deer believes mirage to be water and keeps running after it resulting in suffering for him. Just as people run away in fear  from rope in the dark believing it to be snake and due to wind the sea turns wavy. In the same way due to ignorance the soul undergoes various sufferings. Although in reality the soul is pure dense knowledge but he turns karta due to ignorance.

Further it is told that he is non karta with knowledge :

Shloka 59 : This soul with his differentiating knowledge knows the difference between the soul and others. Just as swan separates the milk from a mixture of milk and water; in the same way this soul, taking recourse to his own conscious immobile nature, just knows only, he is knower alone and does not do anything.

Explanation : The one who knows the difference between self and others is knower only and not karta.

Now it is told that whatever is known is through knowledge only:

Shloka 60 : Just as the nature of heat of the fire and coldness of water is known through knowledge only  and difference of taste  between  salt and the dish is known through knowledge only; in the same way the difference of  permanent conscious soul enriching continuously in its own self and the bhavas of anger etc. is also known through knowledge only.

How is that differentiating knowledge ? – separating itself from the bhava of being karta , it reveals itself. 

Now it is told that although the soul is karta but he is karta of his own bhavas :

Shloka 61 : In this manner the soul is explicitly karta of his own bhavas, making the soul  ignorant or with knowledge. He is not the karta of others bhavas at any time. 

Now a kalash is told as prelude to next gatha :

Shloka 62 : Soul is of the nature of knowledge hence he is knowledge alone.

What else can he do other than knowledge ? – nothing. Soul is doer of others bhavas – such belief and talk is the delusion and ignorance of Jivas knowing vyavahara only.

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